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Chengzi Ancient Village in Honghe

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The ancient village of Chengzi is another yet barely known but very beautiful little hamlet in Yunnan's remote south-east, close to Wenshan. It's worth a visit not only due to its location but also because of its house construction style, combining the influence of the Yi and Han.

The so-called Tu-Zhang Houses are a specifically local phenomenon and have a long history and rich culture. The houses are built along the mountain slope whereas one family's roof is the balcony of the neighboring residents one house up the hill. Hence, they are all connected to each other.

During harvest time, the grains of the surrounding fields dominate the beautiful views. When corn is harvested, it will be hung onto the house’s walls to dry, giving the area a nice touch of orange and yellow. 

A quiet stroll around this nice little village is what we offer in our Tour to the Yuanyang Rice Terraces. Meet local people and get a good impression of their traditional life in Yunnan's countryside.


If you need help planning your tour through Yunnan and China, our travel experts are happy to support you. We offer you free inspiration and personally customized suggestions. Please get in touch with us for further support!