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Golden Rapeseed Bloom in Anning

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Kunming is lovingly referred to as Spring City due to its mild climate and extremely colorful trees and flowers. But how about other cities and regions in the area? Anning for instance, only a stone's throw away from the capital, is also worth a visit during spring time. Mostly famous for its highly rated thermal hot springs, a nice walk through the golden rapeseed fields outside of the city offers beautiful scenery and splendid photography oportunities.



For a visit, we recommend 2 different routes, combining scenery and nature as well as a laid-back stay at the hot springs:


Tour # 1

Kunming – Anning – Hot Springs – Qinglong Market – Xiaozhuang Village – Yijiu Village – Zhaojiazhuang Village


Tour # 2

Kunming – Anfeng Ying Village – Shuangmei Village – Qinglong Market – Xiaozhuang Village – Yijiu Village – Zhaojiazhuang Village


Both tours include a 50-60 km ride. It is recommended to stay one night in Anning for not being in rush. Arranging daytrips though is also possible. The rapeseed flower around Kunming usually ends mid-April.

Please contact us directly for any particular tour requests, quotations or special visiting combinations, we are happy customizing your tour!