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Refreshing Yunnan Snacks

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While most places of Yunnan don't get as hot during summer as many other places all over China, cooled and refreshing snacks are still very popular. Made out of all sorts of different ingredients, they have one thing in common: they are cold or even iced dishes. 

Find below a short overview of selected Yunnan summer dishes, refresh yourself and enjoy!


Cold Rice Shrimps (米凉虾)

Despite the name, it's actually not shrimp dish, but a snack made from rice. Because of its resemblance to shrimps, locals in Yunnan give it the special name (we are quite far away here from the next ocean...). Once the cooked rice paste is pressed thourhg a sieve into cold water, the “rice shrimps” are shaped. Fragrant, tender and soft, the snack provides you a refreshing taste.


Cold Rice Noodles (凉米线)

Rice noodle - needless to say - is one of the most enjoyed snacks in Yunnan. In a hot day, the cold rice noodle is the best dish to cool off, best with loads of chili.


The Bingfen Drink (木瓜水)

This cool drink is often seen during summer time. It is made from the seeds of the Peruvian Apple Herb. With brown sugar, sesame seeds, and rose flavour syrup it offers a refreshing and soft taste. Depending on which province in China you're visiting, the name will change. In Yunnan it's called 木瓜水(mu gua shui), Papaya water. But there's no papaya inside.


Paoluda (泡鲁达)

Paoluda is actually a popular dessert in some South Asian countries such as Thailand and Myanmar. Recently, it also became very popular in Xishuangbanna, Dehong and many other places in Yunnan. With assorted ingredients including coconut shreds, tapioca pudding, rusks, condensed milk and ice cubes, it is the very nice summer dish.


Pea Jelly Salad  (抓抓粉)

Pea jelly is a famous snack in many Yunnan housholds. In Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and many other places, visitors can easily get chance to enjoy the available snack which is an ideal appetiser. Served with varous toppings, there are loads of ways to enjoy of this cold dish.


Iced Porridge (冰稀饭)

This side dish is cooked with sticky rice, red beans and peanuts. When cooled down, ice, red sugar and sesame seeds are added to the porridge. Available in many of Kunming eateries!


Pickled & Salted Fruits (泡水果)

The way for preparing fruits in Yunnan varies as our province is home to assorted fruits. One of many popular ways is pickling or salting. Recommended are for instance salted mangos or strawberries, pickled crabapples, pears, pineapples and olive.


And remember, only available in summer! Have we made you hungry? Do you want to get to know more about typical local dishes or even want to attend our culinary tourContact us directly for the fragrant bite!