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Tiger Leaping Gorge Reopening

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Good news! After being closed for almost half a month, the Tiger Leaping Gorge has been reopened to the public this morning, luckily much earlier than what had been previously estimated.


Frequent heavy rain caused severe landslides and rockfalls on the road connecting Qiaotou village to the main entrance of the scenic area. For this reason, on July 15 the administration decided to close the whole site for urgent repair.

The road leading to the Tiger Leaping Gorge is now completely accessible. Here is the official announcement we received. 

We at Wonders Of Yunnan Travel would like to welcome all of you come to visit this natural wonder, one of Yunnan's most popular tourist attractions. No matter you like long treks or just some moderate hiking, we've got the right tour for you! Check out our 3 days Trekking Tour of the Tiger Leaping Gorge or our other group tours Tour D1, Tour D2, Tour D3 and Tour E.

If you are interested in any of the tours above or have any question, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to welcoming you!