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Yunnan's Precious Flowers

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"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" P.B.Shelley once wrote these lines in one of his poems. In big parts of Yunnan, this can be answered with a clear 'No!'. The cooler days are over and as always during this season, colorful flowers are in bloom all over. Spring - especially in and around Kunming, is known as the Season of Flowers

Yunnan, also nicknamed Plant Kingdom, is home to the one of the biggest flower market of the world. Flowers in Yunnan are appreciated in literature as well as in food and beverages and for decorations. Below are the most popular and famous flowers of the region.


















Wonders Of Yunnan Travel offers guided photography tours, not only in spring. Get in touch with us directly to learn more about your private Yunnan tour, we are more than happy supporting and organizing such tours and services for you!