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Baoshan Stone Village

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The old Naxi town of Baoshan Stone Village (宝山石头城) is worth a visit when you're around the area of Lijiang. Nestled at the banks of the Yangtze River (here known as the Jinsha River), Baoshan is home to about hundred families who have built their houses on a mushroom-shaped giant rock.

In the language of the Naxi people, the village is called Labolu Panwu, meaning White Stone Village. The houses have been built along the natural landform and are mostly made out of clay bricks. Inbetween, small alleys and lanes connect the houses with each other. The stone town is surrounded by three steep cliff sides and one of those stretches directly down to Jinsha River. The village is accessible only through the south & north stone gates, which was (and is) regarded as a natural barrier.


How to get there

Baoshan Stone Village is located about 140km north east of Lijiang, not far from Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Tiger Leaping Gorge (through which the same river flows by the way). Eventhough not very far away, it is still a bit troublesome to reach. Driving the small and winding road to the village takes about 5-6 hours from Lijiang city. Another option to reach Baoshan Stone Village is taking an alternative route further west, leading you straight through Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Scenic Area. This takes about 1-2 hours less but requires to pay an entrance fee of a hefty 230 RMB per 'visitor'.

Alternatively, taking a public bus from Lijiang to Baoshan Township is also possible (around 4 hours). From the bus terminal you have to hitchhike or continue by foot around 3 hours to reach Baoshan Stone Village. Getting back to Lijiang by public bus would be possible the next day at around 11am again at Baoshan Township.


Further Travel Information

  • Best travel time: April – May and September – November.
  • Suggested visiting time: 2 - 4 hours
  • Entrance ticket price: RMB 25
  • Opening hours for visitors: 07:30 – 18:00



Let us know if a tour to Baoshan Stone Village shall be part of your next Yunnan tour!