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Lufeng World Dinosaur Valley

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To start with, the Lufeng World Dinsaur Valley (世界恐龙谷) deserves its name. A great number of dinosaur fossils were discovered here in the 20th century and it is known also beyond China for its amazing amount of complete skeletons and rich species. In this regard, the area around Lufeng is also called The Hometown of Dinosaurs.

Lufeng is located west of Kunming and is reachable within about 1.5 hours from Kunming by highway. Since 1938, about 120 complete dinosaur skeletons were unearthed in Lufeng County, spanning the early, middle and late stages of the Jurassic Period.

In 2008, the World Dinosaur Valley was opened for public. In the first years, it also was an amusement park, which today is no longer being operated. The main attraction anyway is the exhibition hall, where the impressively huge dinosaur skeletons and fossils are displayed and explained with bilingual signs. This area alone covers 35,000 square meters and is part of the overall 2.5 km long loop walk through the park. The other major part is the so called Jurassic World Visiting Area. Here, the history of the Lufeng Valley is highlighted.


Travel Information:

A visit to Lufeng Dinosaur Valley is best when on the way from Kunming to Dali or Lijiang (or vice versa). Also, Lufeng is a suitable destination for a day trip from Kunming.  

Recommended visiting time is 2-3 hours.

Entrance fees:

  • adult: 120 RMB / per ticket
  • children 1.1m - 1.3m: 60 RMB / per ticket
  • children below 1.1m: free entry


  1. There's one designated shuttle bus leaving Kunming every Saturday and Sunday from the parking lot of WallMart at Kunming International Exhibition Center at 08:30h. 关上国贸中心沃尔玛停车场集合(沃尔玛超市旁蒙自源过钱米线门口). The price is 180 RMB / per ticket including transportation and entrance ticket for Dinosaur Valley. The bus returns at 15:30h. If of interest, we can arrange this package for you latest one day in advance. 
  2. Of course, also normal public buses can be taken. Buses to Lufeng leave from Kunming's Western Bus Terminal (西部客运站). From there, take a minivan going straight to Dinosaur Valley.
  3. If above services don't match your schedule, let us know and we'll arrange a driver for you.


A lot of information at Lufeng Dinosaur Valley is in Chinese only, so visiting it with an multilugual tour guide might make sense. Please visit this page or contact us directly for further travel information, happy to help out!