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Notice of issuing visas to those holding valid Chinese residence permits

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Notice of issuing visas to those holding valid Chinese residence permits

In order to facilitate personnel exchanges under the backdrop of ongoing epidemic prevention and control efforts, China decides that those citizens of the following European countries ( list attached below ) who hold valid Chinese residence permits ( only for work, family reunion or other private affairs ) can contact the Chinese Visa Application Service Center in the Hague to submit the visa application for free from August 13, 2020.

After entering China, all travelers must abide by the quarantine and management regulations regarding the COVID-19 implemented by Chinese local governments.

The contact of the Chinese Visa Application Service Center in the Hague is as follows:

Tel: +31-702629150 (Monday to Friday, 9:00--11:00, 14:00--16:00)

Email: [email protected]

European countries list:

Albania, Ireland, Estonia, Austria, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Belgium, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Denmark, Germany, France, Finland, Netherlands, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Romania, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, United Kingdom.

Source: Embassy of People's repubulic of China in the Kingdom of the Nertherlands