Everybody has heard of the Yunnan Stone Forest in Shilin near Kunming. But did you know that the Stone Forest has three siblings? There are four "Earthen" Forests in Yunnan, next to the Stone Forest, there is the Earth Forest, the Sand Forest and the Plaster Forest.
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Melanie Timmerman
posted on Friday, March 20th at 04:14
( Kunming, Stone Forest, Earth Forest, sand forest, Yuxi, Chuxiong, qujing )
Melanie Timmerman
posted on Wednesday, March 4th at 01:43
Yunnan has many beautiful sceneries and is famous for her mountains, ethnic minority tribes and perfect climate. But as the Chinese idiom “有山有水” (yǒu shān yǒu shuǐ) describes, the perfect sceneries “have mountains, have water”. Without curling rivers and tranquil lakes, Yunnan’s landscape would lose a lot of her charm. So let’s take a look at the lakes of Yunnan that add the “shuǐ” to Yunnan’s “shān”.