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Tour Guide Jenny, Kunming
Jenny, Kunming
Tour Guide

Jenny, Kunming

Hi, I am Jenny. Some people say that a tour guide is just a person who takes tourists to visit different places for free, or a person who knows some stories about some cities that he/she can tell the visitors. But I don't agree, I believe that a tour guide is like an ambassador who introduces his or her hometown to the world. A tour guide should be enthusiastic on traveling. I like interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds and to exchange ideas and attitudes towards life. I am happy introducing history, stories, legends and a lot more about Yunnan to my guests!

Tour Guide Cellina, Dali
Cellina, Dali
Tour Guide

Cellina, Dali

Hi, my name is Cellina and I would be happy introducing you to the wonderful town of Dali! Of course, places and sites can also be explored by oneself but getting profound and interesting information while visiting a city like Dali Old Town does make a difference. I'm sure that my guests benefit from getting to know the area with my support. I'm happy welcoming you in Dali!

Tour Guide Sally, Dali
Sally, Dali
Tour Guide

Sally, Dali

Hello, my friends! I am Sally and working as an English-speaking tour guide and travel consultant in Dali. I love Yunnan's colorful ethnic culture and various natural wonders very much. I believe that real life lies in the places that most of people don't notice right away - and in Dali, one can find new beauties of nature and culture everyday. Furthermore, during my work I am doing my utmost to deal responsibly and thoughtfully with my guests. I will give a hand whenever needed, especially for the elder people and children. Let me show you around!

Tour Guide Tony, Dali
Tony, Dali
Tour Guide

Tony, Dali

Hi, my name is Tony. I think one of the most important foundations of every successful tour guide service is the very close relationship he or she has to its city or area representing to visitors and guests. I was born in Dali and ever since have loved this place. I enjoy working for people from other parts of the world that are on holiday. The are mostly relaxed, open and friendly - a very good basis for cultural exchange and ongoing friendships.