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Yunnan's Rice Noodles: Worth a Try

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Rice noodles, or 米线 (Mixian) in Chinese, is the ubiquitous dish in Yunnan. Whether for breakfast, lunch, dinner or in between - rice noodles are eaten in all sorts of variants. As a cold snack in summer, in a spicy hot soup or as a classic noodle dish with meat and vegitable toppings. We've listed some of the available mixian versions below, typical in a specific area in Yunnan.



Rice noodles with tofu pudding (豆花米线 / Douhua Mixian)

This is a very special and traditional Kunming delicacy, one should not miss when visiting Kunming. After the rice noodles scalded in boiling water, fresh white tofu pudding and other ingredients like meat, sweet sauce, spring onions and leek are added. Also recommended as a vegetarian dish without the meat topping.


The Small-Pot Rice Noodles (小锅米线 / Xiaoguo Mixian)

This mixian dish is one of the more popular ways to eat rice noodles. The noodles are boiled in a small copper pot. Then, fresh pork, leek, pickled vegetables, soy sauce and other ingredients are added into the boiling noodle water. The last and yet most typical step is adding the appetising Yunnan pickled leek flowers. the hot mix is then poored into a bowl and served directly.



Rice Noodles with Stewed Pork Feet (猪脚米线 / Zhujiao Mixian)

The recipe of this rice noodle dish was invented by locally famous chef Ren Yawei from Yuxi. Many chain eateries have specialised on this kind of rice noodle dish all over Yuxi prefecture.



"Cross-Bridge-Noodles" with Chrysanthemum (菊花过桥米线 / Juhua Guoqiao Mixian)

In Mengzi, the so called Cross-Bridge Rice Noodle dish is the most popular food. The most important part of it is the nutritious soup for which many local restaurants have different recipes. For example, the San Gen Cong Restaurant (三根葱) in Kunming uses pork bone, hen, duck, goose and Yunnan's famous Xuanwei Ham to create the special soup taste, which is kept hot by a thin layer of oil. A very typical way for preparing this rice noodle dish is adding the petals of edible chrysanthemum, which gives it a very refreshing taste.



Rice Noodles with Marinaded Chicken (卤鸡米线 / Luji Mixian)

The mixian with marinaded chicken is an authentic local delicacy, offered by many restaurants around central Yunnan. The best restaurant offering this kind of rice noodle dish is Yong Quan Beef Restaurant (永泉牛肉馆) in Zhuyuan Town, Mi'le. The aromatic chicken together with tender beef slices make a great meal!


Have we made you hungry? Do you want to get to know more about typical local dishes or even want to attend our culinary tour? Contact us directly for the fragrant bite!