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Summer: The Lotus Season

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Every year in Yunnan and other places all over the country, we can watch colorful lotus flowers blossom on ponds, rivers and lakes. Facing the sunshine, the lotus usually is in bloom between June and September before it will focus on producing lotus seeds again.


Lotus is one of the most famous flowers in China with very high reputation. It’s said that even though it’s growing in the dirty mud, Lotus keeps pure and clear from its heart, which means that it is not easily changed by its environment.


There are several places in the province which are famous for seeing the lotus flower. These are the best ones:

  1. Green Lake Park in Kunming city center
  2. Chengjiang, which is about 60 km south of Kunming, takes about 1 hour’s drive by car. It’s the city which the Fuxian Lake belongs to.
  3. Puzhehei Scenic Area, about 360 km south-east of Yunnan's capital in Wenshan Prefecture.



Please contact us directly if you need more information.