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Tour Guide Sunny, Lijiang
Sunny, Lijiang
Tour Guide

Sunny, Lijiang

Hi, my name is Sunny. I am a local tour guide in the great and famous city of Lijiang. I grew up here and thus know a lot about the area and local ethnic minorities. I traveled a lot myself, whenever I found the time and I enjoyed it very much. I think I can put myself quite well into other travelers' place and love giving them a feeling of comfort and security in a yet strange world. Welcome to Lijiang!

Tour Guide Louise, Lijiang
Louise, Lijiang
Tour Guide

Louise, Lijiang

Hello, I am Louise, your personal tour guide in Lijiang. I had the honour of guiding visitors from various countries of the world, which enlarged my working experience as well as knowledge of numerous mentalities. I enjoy traveling very much and always try my best to be sincere and gentle. I believe that Lijiang is absolutely worth a visit with its rich ethnic cultures as well as mysterious and beautiful landscapes. I am looking forward showing you around!

Tour Guide Stepheh, Lijiang
Stephen, Lijiang
Tour Guide

Stephen, Lijiang

Hey, this is Stephen. I am from Lijiang and currently live near Lugu Lake. I am a descendant of the local Pumi ethnos and therefore can also explain a lot about us, the Pumi people and our customs. Like numerous other ethnic minorities in Yunnan, I am proud of our historic background and all the little differences in culture and lifestyle. During my work as a tour guide, I made the experience that particularly the large variety in Yunnan's native population makes the visitors curious. I am a careful person, and put great importance to the wishes of my guests from all over the world. At the same time, I very much also enjoy their story and can learn a lot. When may I welcome you?

Tour Guide Brandon, Lijiang
Brandon, Lijiang
Tour Guide

Brandon, Lijiang

Greetings, friends. I am Brandon, your Lijiang tour guideI treasure every chance of meeting visitors and tour groups from all over the globe and I always do my best to show Lijiang in all of its different facets. As one of Chinas top destinations, Lijiang is of so much fun to me and also to many of my guests. The Naxi people and their life, our history, the beautiful scenic area around Lijiang, our Old Town... all this attracts more and more people from all over, very exciting!