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Tour Guide Snow, Lijiang
Snow, Lijiang
Tour Guide

Snow, Lijiang

My name is He Xue. In Chinese, Xue means snow, thus my English name Snow. I really enjoy being a tour guide especially as I am one of few local Naxi people speaking English, Chinese and Naxi dialict. I can offer my guests deep insights into the Naxi people's history, life their religion, food and culture. I do not only want to present the visitors the beauty of our area but also focus on the people here. Looking back to recent years, so many wonderful memories come to my mind. Meeting new people regularly and sharing interesting stories and facts with each other has always been my dream, spreading the knowledge of my nationality, the Naxi.

Tour Guide Cindy, Lijiang
Cindy, Lijiang
Tour Guide

Cindy, Lijiang

Hi everyone, I am Cindy, your out-going and dynamic tour guide in Lijiang. I love this beautiful place and enjoy giving visitors an understaning of my home town. During the past few years, I had the pleasure and honour meeting so many interesting people from all over the world of which many are still wonderful friends. I gain valuable experience and knowledge every day I do my job and I am looking forward providing you an unforgettable travel experience in Lijiang as well!

Tour Guide Kevin, Shangri-La
Kevin, Shangri-La
Tour Guide

Kevin, Shangri-La

My name is Kelsang Tsering and my English name is Kevin. I have been a guide for more than ten years now. Why do I like this job? Firstly, I like touring around and trekking: I hiked the outer circle of Meili Snow Mountain many times. Moreover, I like to communicate particularly with foreign guests, it is always very interesting for both sides and I usually gain lots of knowledge from them. I introduced our customs, culture and places to my customers in Tibet, Sichuan and Qinghai and it's a pleasure making tourists happy and satisfied in Shangri-La as well.

Tour Guide Jacson, Shangri-La
Jacson, Shangri-La
Tour Guide

Jacson, Shangri-La

I am Jacson, my Tibetan name is Liqing Dingzhu or short: Renqing. I am Tibetan and live in Shangri-La. I started to work as a tour guide in 2010. I am fluent in English and so far, my guests and customers are pleased. I can explain a lot about Tibetan Buddhism and culture in general. Of course, I am also still learning everyday and always happy gaining more knowledge in my job. I would like to tell as many people as possible about 'my' wonderful Shangri-La. This place, described in James Hilton's book Lost Horizon, attracts people from all over the world today and I look forward showing you around!