While most regions in China are experiencing extremely hot weather this summer, Yunnan is the perfect destination to get some relief from the heat. Forget about scorching heat and overcrowded swimming pools! Come to Yunnan for a refreshing summer break! But don't forget your raincoat!
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Olaf Malden
posted on Tuesday, May 24th at 22:10
( Travel Info, Kunming, Climate, Cuisine )
It's end of May and by now the rainy season has begun in Kunming and other parts of Yunnan. The majority of Yunnan's yearly precipitation falls between May and October. Not so nice for sighseeing but a blessing for local agriculture and general water supply after about half a year of sunshine!
Olaf Malden
posted on Friday, December 11th at 00:47
We recently reported about bird migration to Yunnan. Mainly birds from Sibiria come to Yunnan during the winter months. In most parts of Yunnan it is definitely warmer than in Sibiria but also here it is advisable to protect oneself agains the chill, especially in higher elevation.