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2017 Yunnan Summer Promotion

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We’re excited to announce our new 2017 summer promotion! From May to August, our brand new multiple-day group tours come with a free ticket for either the Dynamic Yunnan Show in Kunming’s Art Theatre or for the Lijiang based show The Sound of Yunnan (Yunling Art Theatre). Book now and enjoy!



Beginning of April, we launched a variety of group tours in Yunnan in order to give more travelers the opportunity to get together, travel Yunnan with a small budget and meet other likeminded people. For benefiting from our special summer offer, one of the following group tours can be booked:

One of the following free show tickets either in Kunming or Lijiang are available:


In case that tickets of the mentioned categories are booked out, the next higher seat category will be chosen. In the rare occasion that all tickets of the respective show are booked out on the requested day, you are asked to choose an alternative date. For any question, please don't hesitate contacting us.