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Prepaid SIM Cards in China

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The subscription service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

Stay available and flexible during your tour through Yunnan and elsewhere in China and let us organize your Chinese phone service for you! You'll receive your SIM card for your mobile phone upon your arrival in China.


Plans and Fares

There are three different kinds of plans: domestic data package; domestic data package plus airtime credits; domestic data package plus airtime credits and international direct calls. While the first is the basic plan and mandatory, the latter are optional. Depending on different requirements, the price varies.

Data Airtime(RMB) Price(RMB) Price(USD) Data Airtime(RMB) Price(RMB) Price(USD)
1GB 0 120 18 3GB 0 240 37
10 130 20 10 250 38
30 150 23 30 270 42
50 170 26 50 290 45
2GB 0 180 28 6GB 0 450 69
10 190 29 10 460 71
30 210 32 30 480 74
50 230 35 50 500 77


For international direct calls, the fees are as listed below:

Calling zone Free minutes Fare after free minutes Price(RMB) Price(USD)
A 100 0.36 CNY/min 50 8
B 60 0.66 CNY/min 50 8
C 40 0.96 CNY/min 50 8
D 20 1.96 CNY/min 50 8

*Zone A: Hong Kong, USA, Canada and Singapore.

*Zone B: Taiwan (excluding 008861418, 00886986, 008869712, 008869713, 008869714, 008869715, 008869001), Macau, South Korea, Malaysia, India and Thailand (excluding ACES 006681200, 006681201).

*Zone C: Japan, Vietnam, Columbia and Brunei.

*Zone D: Australia, France (excluding 003359, 0033638, 0033640), Spain, Greece, Egypt, Russia (excluding 007954), Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Ukraine, Mongolia.


Unlike your foreign SIM card, all the above plans allow you to answer international phone calls and receive text and MMS messages for free nationwide. The plan is valid for 90 days after the first use and it automatically cancels afterwards. If you wish to extend the validity of the service, please feel free to let us know and we'll help you with the arrangements. Renewal for airtime and cellular data is doable as well with a quick notification to us. International roaming is available, yet we wouldn't recommend it since the roaming fee is rather high.

According to the laws and regulations of the SIM card company, there's a limit of 6GB a month. Once you reach this limit, no more data can be added to the same account. However, you can always have another SIM cards under your name.

Ready to get your own Chinese SIM card? Please let us know:

  • the package you'd like to have;
  • which type of SIM card you need (mini, micro or nano).


Futher tariff information

Exceeding your package limits implies the following surcharges:

  • Domestic voice call: 0.15RMB/min
  • Domestic text/MMS: 0.1RMB/message
  • 4G data: 0.27RMB/MB
  • International text/MMS: 0.8RMB/message


How to apply and activate a SIM card?


Once you decide to get your own SIM, please get in touch with us, sending a copy of your passport and specifying with package you'd like to have and for which type of SIM card. Let your private travel consultant know your requests when they customize a tour for you . We'll activate it for you and only two hours later, you'll be able to use it.


Please contact your mobile operator to make sure your phone is unlocked. For more information on the usage of telephones and internet in China, please also check the article WiFi, Phones & Emergency Numbers of our summarized China Facts or contact us directly.