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It's Strawberry Season!

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The coldest days are over and the sun is shining more or less non-stop these days. Welcome to Kunming's strawberry season in spring! There are plenty of strawberry plantations around town, offering its visitors the option to pick the fruits themselves and enjoy a great warm day out in the fields. Listed below are some of the places around Kunming worth a visit with family and friends.


Most of these areas are quite remote and it's easiest to take a car to get there.


Chenjia Shan Strawberry Base, Nanyang Town, Yiliang (宜良南羊镇陈家山草莓基地)

There are in total around 45 families living in this "Garden Village" and most of them are growing delicious strawberries. Hundreds of acres of strawberry fields and greenhouses are covering the area around and already on the way there, you can smell the scent of strawberries.

Nanyang is about 75 km east of Kunming, direction Stone Forest. It takes about 1.5 hours to get there by car.


Fumin Strawberry Base (富民草莓基地)

The Fumin Strawberry base is also a very good visiting choice for a strawberry picking trip. Quite close to Kunming and with good road condition, the area can be reached relatively well. Also, there's a large leisure resort close to the base, which can be visited during a stay around.

From Kunming's Huangtupo district, drive about 20 km northwest and reach the villages of Shaguo and Dongyuan about half an hour later.


Shalang: the largest eco-Strawberry Base around Kunming (沙朗:昆明周边最大的生态草莓园)

Compared to the others, the strawberry prices here are relatively cheap and closeby lakes invite the guests for fishing and bathing. Even some hot springs are around.

Shalang Town is located in the northwest of Kunming, from downtown it takes about 45 minutes to get there by car.


Fushan Village Strawberry Base, Biji Town, Xishan (西山碧鸡镇富善村草莓种植基地)

Fushan Village, located at the western shores of Dianchi Lake at the foots of the Western Hills, hosts a strawberry plantation with very strict cultivation processes and quality controlls. Samples are being send to the local agricultural department on a regular basis for quality supervision and food safety inspection.

By car, it’s about 20km south of Kunming city, takes around half an hour to reach, depending on the traffic.



Tuanjie Town of Xishan District (西山区团结镇)

Another very good choice for a family trip! Here, not only strawberries can be picked, but on a nearby pasture grass skiing can be enjoyed. Also, fishing is possible and and good restaurants offer authentic dishes, overall a great experience.

Head out of Kunming city in western direction, pass the Bamboo Temple and after about 35km you'll reach Tuanjie Town. By car, it takes around 45 minutes.



If you need any support, organizing a day trip out of town, please don't hesitate contacting us, we're happy to help out!