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Kunming Taxi Fares

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Kunming is a central and important transportation hub of Yunnan Province: we have the fouth largest airport of China, Kuming is considered the Chinese gate to Southeast Asia and so forth. Many guests to Yunnan arrive in Kunming and the first thing that they need is a taxi. We here provide an overview of all fares and conditions.

Generally, traveling and transfering within Kunming can be relatively complicated due to a sometimes messy traffic situation. Also, only one major subway line is in use up to now; the public buses are only marked with Chinese signs, which makes it sometimes hard to orientate, especially when you cannot speak and read Chinese. So often, a taxi is the best choice for travelers, at least when you know how to explain where to go (or you just let someone write down the destination and show it to the cab driver then you can get easily wherever you want).

Kunming taxi drivers are usually reliable and always use their meters, the only exception is at the airport and at the train stations. There, the meters aren't used very often and the charged prices are higher than normal.

Listed below are the standard taxi fares in Kunming.


Base Fare 8 RMB for the first 3 km
Distance Fare 1.8 RMB / km
Waiting Surcharge

Free within the first 5 minutes

1.8 RMB per every following 5 minutes

One-Way Surcharge (returning empty) add 50% to rides of more than 10 km 
Night-time Surcharge (between 22:00h and 6:00h) Base fare raises to 10 RMB, plus 20% per km
Toll Fee According to the road taken
Fuel Surcharge: 1-2 RMB, subject to change due to changing oil price
Specific charges for rides out of Kunming City, price negotiations are necessary


If this is all too much, please don't hesitate contacting us for transfers or other tour services, without any hassle and unnecessary negotiating in local dialects. We always provide clean and modern cars with skilled and licensed drivers and just in case a 24/7 English-speaking telephone service for our guests. Have an always enjoyable tour in Yunnan with us!