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Your Yunnan Tour Planner, Part 2

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Welcome to the second part of your Yunnan Tour Planner. Today, we focus on what's important to know when it comes to booking a tour in China. Do you need a tour guide and if so, what has to be considered? What means of transport are best when travelling in Yunnan? The content below shall give a short overview.


Our Tour Guides

All our tour guides are Chinese citizens with foreign language skills and without exception officially licensed. While English speaking tour guides are available numerously, guides for solely French, Italian or German speaking travelers are harder to find in Yunnan and should be arranged well in advance. We usually arrange the tours with locally employed tour guides. This has the advantage that less costs occur (for instance, no need to cover accommodation for the guide) and local guides are more familiar and knowledgeable in their hometowns. So for example during a tour all over Yunnan you may be accompagnied by a new guide at every destination.

But it is also possible to book one tour guide for your complete trip. In this case, please mention this in your inquiry, we will find the appropriate person for you!


Our Drivers

Drivers in Yunnan and also in many other regions in China usually only speak Chinese or a local dialect, Hiring an English-speaking driver for your Yunnan tour is therefore not realistic. We usually say that if a local driver could speak a foreign language, he or she would become a tour guide. But if you don't speak Chinese and also don't want to rent a tour guide for your trip, it's also no problem: before your tour we inform the driver accordingly with all details and also provide you with a communication support sheet. Furthermore, we at Wonders Of Yunnan Travel provide 24h English speaking emergency telephone service.



For the best experience when traveling through Yunnan and adjascent provinces, a mix of transportation is recommended. Important destinations within Yunnan, such as Kunming, Dali and Lijiang, are all well connected by bus and train. It is easier though to get to Dongchuan, Stone Forest and Yuanyang by private vehicle.

  • Traveling by train & bus is mostly cheap and comfortable, especially night trains or buses save time and money. Train tickets can usually be booked 60 days prior to departure, bus tickets 1 week before the ride. For travels during national holidays, these ranges can vary and tickets are easily booked out.
  • Flight tickets usually get cheapest 1 - 2 months prior to the scheduled flight day. Let us know if you need booking support!



Hotels of various categories can be easily found in major cities of Yunnan, like KunmingDaliLijiangShangri-La and Xishuangbanna. In remote and rural places like Dongchuan for example, hotel conditions are mostly simple though. When a tour is booked, the choice of an according hotel category should be considered for convenience and budget matters.


Destinations & Suggested Visiting Time

There are loads of destinations to go to all over China. In Yunnan, we recommend visiting following places with according visiting time:

  • Jianshui Old Town & Yuanyang, 2-4 days: Confucius Temple, Zhu Family’s Garden, Tuanshan Village, sunrises & sunsets at the Yuanyang Rice Terraces


Let us know if you still need more detailed information for your trip to Yunnan and China. Wonders of Yunnan Travel is a legally operating travel service company which is officially registered and also only works together with handpicked and registered partners. For any more information or support please feel free to contact us right away!