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Cangshan, Dali

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Cangshan is a mountain range west of Dali in China's southwestern province of Yunnan.

Cangshan 1

The highest summit, Malong with 4,122 m, but the mountain range includes another 18 peaks all over 3,500 m. The mountain is noted for its very rich, diverse flora, first scientifically documented by Pierre Jean Marie Delavay in 1882.

Cangshan 2


Cangshan 3

In 1991, construction began on a paved walkway running north and south from the top chairlift station near ancient Dali. This walkway passes several waterfalls, and overlooks Erhai Lake and the ancient city itself. This walkway is named "Jade-Cloud Road" after the cloud formations that appear over the Cangshan peaks. Construction was completed a year later and in 2004 a new project was launched to widen the walkway and increase its length. At the chairlift station on the mountainside a temple complex as well as a small travellers' inn can be found.

Cangshan 4