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Black Dragon Pool, Lijiang

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The Black Dragon Pool is a famous pond in the scenic Jade Spring Park (Yu Quan Gong Yuan) located at the foot of Elephant Hill, a short walk north of the Old Town of Lijiang. It was built in 1737 during the Qing Dynasty and offers a spectacular view on the region's tallest mountain, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, over its white marble bridge.The park features several smaller temples and pavilions:

Black Dragon Pool

The Moon-Embracing Pavilion, which was originally built in the late Ming Dynasty. The current structure is a reproduction from 1963 after a fire in 1950.

Black Dragon Pool 1

The Dragon God Temple (Longshen Temple) was constructed by local Naxi people in 1737 and is located to the east of the park. It was given the name Dragon God of Jade Spring by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty in the same year.

Black Dragon Pool 2

The threefold overlap Five-Phoenix Tower (Wufeng Tower) was built during the Ming Dynasty (1601), and today located at the north end of the park. The tower was originally situated at the Fuguo Temple, which is 30 kilometers to the west, but was moved to Jade Spring Park in 1979.

The park is further home to the Dongba Culture Research Institute and the Dongba Culture Museum. (wikipedia)