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Melanie Timmerman
posted on Wednesday, January 22nd 2020 at 20:09

When you think Chinese New Year, what’s the first animal that comes to mind? My guess is that for many that would be a dragon. Possibly because that is an animal generally associated with China, next to the panda. Whereas I’d say the panda is a more modern symbol of China, dragons have played a part in China’s traditions for millennia.

Melanie Timmerman
posted on Wednesday, January 22nd 2020 at 17:35

Some people like me might have heard that China uses a different year count and is in the year 4000-something. But none of my Chinese colleagues and friends has ever heard of this. So what year is it now?

Alessandra Dornetto
posted on Friday, January 17th 2020 at 02:00

Roujiamo is a traditional snack originating from the cuisine of Shaanxi province, which some locals claim to be the world’s oldest sandwich (or hamburger) since this bread dates back to the Qin dynasty (221–206 BC) and the meat to the Zhou dynasty (1045–256 BC).

Mario Kostka
posted on Thursday, January 9th 2020 at 23:21

In November 2019, Wonders of Yunnan team has made a business trip to Dali in order to get a real impression about the conditions of the places, services, and sights. Mount Cangshan, Er’hai and Chongsheng temple where famous stops we made among others. (Part 1 of 3)

Sissy Wang
posted on Tuesday, December 24th 2019 at 01:02
( Alipay, Wechat )

In November 2019, Aplipay announced that from now on, foreigners can connect their overseas credit cards in to an Alipay account to use it when traveling in China. A few days later WeChat followed. This is really good news, but maybe not exactly yet, since their features are still in its infancy. But we have a good feeling that  in the  future it can work well.